Thursday, July 10, 2014

Panda Oreo Cupcakes

Picture of Panda CupCake


The Muffin:

1 cup warm milk
3 eggs
4 tablespoons margarine
2 cups sugar
1 cup cocoa powder
2 cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder

Chocolate frosting:

1 can sweetened condensed milk 

4 Tbsps cocoa powder

1 Tbsp butter  

Vanilla Flan:

2 Cups milk

vanilla or rum extract  (I got rum)

2  Tbsp sugar

4 Tbsp cornstarch

2 Egg Yolks

grated coconut, as much you want .

150 ml cream (milk)

Filling and topping:

The Panda's head:

First step:

Butter frosting
-150 g  butter
- 2 cups pastry sugar
- 100 ml milk
- rum extract.
Whip all ingredients together until having a butter frosting.

Second step:

- milk powder
- grated coconut
- some whipped cream





Making The Cupcake:

Sift dry ingredients into a mixing bowl.
Place in a blender the eggs, margarine and milk. Blend for 3 minutes
Add the sugar to the blender. Whip one more minute.
Add the flour and cocoa gradually, blending constantly. 
Bake the muffins as usual..

Making Chocolate frosting:

In a saucepan, add all the ingredients and stir on low heat.
Stir until the mixture thickens.

Vanilla Flan:

Press the egg yolks through a sieve into the milk

Mix the cornstarch into the milk

Add sugar and vanilla extract  and Stir well

Place on medium heat and stir until the mixture thickens.

Add the grated coconut and the cream.

Let it cool

Filling and topping:

Scoop out a piece from the center of the cupcake and fill it with flan. Close it back up.

Top with the chocolate frosting (brigadeiro)

I used a large grass pastry tip to apply the frosting, to give an effect of softness, almost like a plush toy.  

Panda's Head:

Mix the butter frosting with milk powder, making a molding clay.
Pinch off a golf-ball size of this clay and put a ball of the chocolate brigadeiro inside.
Close the butter ball around the chocolate ball. Cover with whipped cream, and roll it in coconut.

Shape a Panda head.

Eyes and ears:

Eyes and ears I used the chocofrosting (brigadeiro) I made, because when it goes cool, it becomes like a clay, you can shape the eyes and ears out of this. 

Bear's paw:


You can use another brand, too.

Cut 2 and do as the pictures show.


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